SECON Search Marketing


Never in the course of history has been such a great mass of easy-to-access information available for mankind as these days, due to the existence of the internet. The potential customers, whether they be ordinary people, companies or institutions, select the services, partners and data relevant and valuable for them out of this endless sea of information. That is why it is essential for every market member to be visible and searchable in online space.



In order to reach and sustain the longed-for searchability, a whole industry segment has emerged in the past more than 10 years: search optimization and search marketing in a broader sense. We are working on this rapidly changing and more and more competitive market day by day, giving the best of our ability and knowledge, so as to be able to provide our customers with up-to-date and highly customized services by combining the traditional and long standing procedures with the newest, most promising – but, naturally, also thoroughly tested – ones.

SECON provides premium services, whether it be search optimization, search marketing consultancy or training. You can trust our expertise. Contact us for further information.


Search Consulting Keresőmarketing Szolgáltató és Tanácsadó Kft.

1053, Budapest, Kecskeméti utca 13 
Bankszlsz: BudapestBank – 10101353-37584100-01003004.
Adószám: 23495081-2-41, Cégjegyzékszám: 01-09-188489 
Domain és Tárhely Szolgáltató:
DoclerWeb Kft., 1101 Budapest, Expo tér 5-7.

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